Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Maui Wowie Weekend

It was my mom's big 50th birthday on January 31st, and what a birthday she had! To celebrate my parents and the Richard's came over to Maui for 10 days which meant that I got to escape for a few days over there. To my mom's surprise my dad had Kacey and Allie flown out the same day I came so our family was able to all be together for the weekend. It was such a nice break from school to be able to just lounge at the pool and beach, it turned Hawaii back into a vacation for me instead of just where I live. It was definitely hard to say goodbye at the end and get on a different plane then them but it was very worth it. I am so lucky to have such a great dad that makes things like this possible. Another bonus was being able to get away from the cafeteria and eat good food for a few days :)

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